Good Business People Have Certain Traits, Here Are Fourteen of Them

When you own and operate your own business, it's YOU that 's in charge, it's YOU that's in control, and it's YOU that takes the credit for the failure or success of the business.

Some people are so caught up in the day-to-day tasks of running their businesses that they fail to realize they're in charge and should be controlling the direction of the business the business or circumstances should not be controlling them.

Jennie was so busy with her business, taking on a much as she could handle, that after a while, she waited for events to happen and then responded. She had turned into an employee of the business, and the events around her had become her boss.
Don't let this happen to you. Keep in mind that you're in charge and if you feel that you aren't, then do something about it.

Here are some of the traits you can build on to ensure your happiness and business success.

1. Be Persistent:
A persistent drive is an asset; it will help you get through tough times and slumps. Practice being persistent. It pays off!

2. Learn to Easily Adapt to Change:
The business world, among other things, is in constant fluctuation. You have to be able to adapt to change quickly, without modifying your main goal or mission. You may need to change the way you do things or adapt to changes in the market. Adapting to change is a positive for you and your business.

3. Assess Risks:
The better you are at assessing risk, the better your outcome. You'll be able to make intelligent decisions, and you'll avoid making decisions that could put you out of business and this will allow you to easily pick up good opportunities.

4. Continue to Learn:
Learning is an ongoing process in all aspects of life, whether or not you're aware of it. Since you're learning anyway, you might as well put into your mind positive thoughts that you can use as much as possible.

5. Learn to Welcome Responsibility:
When you avoid your responsibilities, you're breaking down your self-esteem, slowly and silently telling yourself that you can't handle it. When you welcome your responsibilities, you're building your self-esteem and becoming a stronger person.

6. Be Creative:
In business, being creative in the right places can give you the edge you need to stand out and offer something special. Practice creativity in small steps. Ask questions like: What can I do to improve this? Try our brainstorming exercise to help you come up with remarkable ideas.

7. Take Charge:
Successful business people take charge and hit the pavement running. Move ahead FEELING powerful, FEELING you can do it and move ahead doing what you do best! Note: This is not to say that you should move blindly and ignore common sense. It's a mere comparison of moving ahead by walking on a tightrope as opposed to walking on a sidewalk.

8. Know Your Numbers:
Numbers and business go hand in hand if you don't know much about numbers, you're going to need to. You don't need become a financial wizard, knowing the ins and outs of multinational companies and how they operate, nor do you need to become an accountant, but you need to know the basics.

You need to know if you're profitable, how to manage money, how to hold onto your money, etc. Even if you hire an accountant/bookkeeper, you still need to know what's going on in your business. You can find out more about this from your accountant/bookkeeper, from your banker, online, or at your library.

9. You Must Market Your Business:
Whatever business you're in, without marketing, you won't have much of a business. You need to develop skills in marketing. This can be as simple as placing ads, creating promotions, creating enticing signs, etc. anything that gets the right people to know about your business and do business with you is a form of marketing. It must be done. It's the lifeline of the business.

10. You Must Avoid Procrastination
If you're a seasoned procrastinator, then you're going to have a hard time finding success. You may be doing okay, but it takes so much longer to become the success you really want. You're just moving along slowly, and you're probably missing out on a lot of opportunities. Get things done quickly. Don't start something else, something new, until you complete all you can with the current task.

11. Become Self-Reliant:
When you're on your own, you have no one pushing you, no one telling you what needs to be done, and it's hard to stay on track. It's essential that you keep yourself on track. The first step is knowing what to do, then you may want to create a list in priority order of what needs to be done and how to do each step.

You may want to simply follow the list or have someone check up on you to see how you're doing. I, myself, like to follow the list. I keep it with me at all times on my pocket PC, checking off what's been completed and adding new items when necessary.

12. Create a Balance Between Work and Play
Successful people usually have a balance between their business and personal lives. They feel a sense of accomplishment and feel good about themselves. Their self-esteem is high, and they feel confident. A balance between your work and your personal life is an absolute must. Keep this balance at all times and you'll perform much better as well as be happier in your personal life.

The traits that were just presented to you are just some of the traits for a good businessperson. I'm sure the list can be expanded to fill books on this topic. There are two more important issues that I've left until the end because I feel they can accelerate your becoming an excellent businessperson.

13. Focus on the Business, Not Your Needs:
Focus on what's best for the business. What can you do better for your customer? How can you make your customers happy? Questions like these help you become an excellent businessperson. When you focus on yourself, then you tend to cut corners, finding the simpler ways that may be less effective. They may do the job, but they may not create great outcomes.

14. Focus on Your Performance:
When you're doing something important, ask yourself, Am I doing the best I can? If the answer is yes, that 's great. If you have doubts, then push yourself to do a better job. No one can expect more than your best, not even you.

Be the best businessperson you can be, and you'll do great!

That's the way I see it.
To Your Success!
Acey Gaspard

Action Steps to Becoming a Good Business Person

  • Take a look at the 14 characteristics above and see which ones already apply to you and which ones don't.
  • Make an 'action plan' on how you can apply the ones that don't or how you can improve.

Important Questions to Becoming a Good Business Person

  • Do you think you're a good business person? WHY?
  • After you reply to the WHY question above, evaluate your answers. Are you a good business person because you are a good boss? A good product/service provider? A good client (for others) Now What do you need to do to improve?

Posted in Labels: Posted by Rohit Shah


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